He was my North,my South,my East my West,My working week and my sunday rest.My noon my midnight,M talk my song,I thought that Love would last for ever,Iwas wrong.The stars are not wanted now put out every one,Pack up the moon,and Dismantle the sun.Pour away the ocen sweep up the wood,For Nothing Now can ever come to any good.xmotherx
31st March 2015
plant aseed and watch it grow,nurse it day by day,and in the evening should it wake dont be far away.For silent thoughts do creep any moment for a peep,For once Iwatched you play,now the once felt makes my heart start to melt.The heart is there to take the pain,to be torn and broken.but the soul gose on from day to day,And not a word is spoken.
19th March 2015
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We hope that you find it a positive experience developing the site and that it becomes a place of comfort and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by NSPCC on 06/03/2015